work 2017-present

matriarchive (2024)

"Free Palestine" Poster (2023)

Family Tea (2023)

Red Egg and Ginger (2023)

Po Po in her living room (2023)

film from clement st. (2023)

chopstick scans (2023)

Nay Ho Mah Po Po (2022)

AMERICAN LAUNDRY (Mending the Archive) (2022)

white flag (2022)

Lace Curtains (2022)

Drawings + Paintings (2021-2022)

Chink in the Armor (2021)

"Berkeley Alternative Resources" (2021)

"Colonial Ethnographic" (2021)

Oakland Abolition Protest (4/16/2021)

"Look, Don't Touch" (2021)

"I AM NOT A VIRUS" (2020)